Life. It is delicate and complicated and amazing. In the blink of an eye it can end or change or begin all over again.

Am I making this moment count? Am I telling the ones I cherish what beats in my heart and all the greatness I see in their heart, too? Am I making a beautiful mess, really reaching into myself, into this life? Am I honoring who I truly am while respecting and encouraging every other individual-being at their core? Am I giving and serving, and receiving, experiencing and discovering with love-light burning brighter than a thousand suns? Am I leaning into the raw feelings and digging deeper, even when I want to recoil into an old comfortable space? Am I sharing and teaching and learning and growing? Am I pausing and reflecting and stopping, standing still and breathing it all in, observing and expanding, and then breathing it all in again with new air and new eyes and a new heart?

As I look inward and ask myself these questions, I am reminded to fully answer life's call. I am reminded to always choose love over fear.
